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Tag: competition

Bedford Butcher Brew

Olde Bedford Brewing Company’s “Bedford Butcher Brew” places third in the 2021 Pa. Farm Show’s craft beer competition. This was the second time in a row that OldeBBC was recognized with an award-winning brew.

For the third year, a variety breweries, from well-known brands to smaller ventures, earned awards in the annual Pa. Farm Show craft beer competition.

This year’s award comes in the barrel-aged category. “We are honored to be recognized as one of the top breweries in PA”, said owner Dave Heller.

Read the full article here: https://www.pennlive.com/farm-show/2021/01/here-are-winners-from-2021-pa-farm-shows-craft-beer-competition.html?fbclid=IwAR1SF_KhClOIg_Mrc_tbzIIno4GreOFXlO0GeOg–QmYcfNe8vkWFGUyo7I.


109 Railroad Street
Bedford, Pennsylvania 15522




Bedford Location:

Wednesday 4-8pm
Thursday 4-8pm
Friday 3-10pm
Saturday 12-10pm
Sunday 12-5pm
Monday - Tuesday Closed

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